
A tool for and reading long documents on the SD-Card

This tool makes it easy to read books or other long documents, even scientific papers, directly on the calculator. Long documents may be located anywhere on the 49+ but should preferably be stored on the SD-card. Not only in standard ports but also on the card they  may be spliitted in sections or chapters. Docfiler fully supports a directory structure on the card. For instance, one may have a directory BIBLE with  files CHAPTER1, CHAPTER2,... and BIBLE  itself may be a subdirectory of a directory BOOKS, say. Tested in ROM 1.23 but may work in ROM 1.22 as well. Only HP49G+ in RPN mode.

What is new?

Version 4.2004. No flag dependance anymore by modifying the application menu of  Docfiler. This text revised.

Version 3.2004. Option Read distinguishes book mode (text will be formated to fit the screen width) and technical document mode (author formats the text himself) by user-flag 1. 

First version 2.2004, made February 2004.    As usual,      denote the arrow keys,  RS = RightShift.

Docfiler is a browser related to the card browser of the standard filer but more simple. It immediately scans the card if present together with the one-page menu

Ebook     Edocu     COPY    MOVE    PURGE    RCL

also seen in the screen capture. Options in upper case are well known from the filer. They will probably seldom be used in Docfiler. Some additonal options are on hard keys as in the filer. For instance, goes UPDIR (the TREE if beeing on the card, a port or in HOME), to a selected subdirectory. NXT just toggles the browser look since there is no 2nd menu page. T (= COS) is for type sorting and may occasionally be useful in Docfiler. For other hard keys look into the filer documentation. The most important command in the menu are Ebook and Edocu  for reading long documents, explained in more detail below. They works only on selected text files which may also be a compressed string. Long text files are usually made on the PC and directly stored on the card. How to compress them on the PC will not be explained here but this is easily made with an emulator. Clearly, you may do BZ-compression also on the 49+, e.g., with OT49. Moreover, you may store such a file in any existing directory, in particular on the card, and by the way create thereon suitable directories. On the card, the path of a file foo in a directory bar is a tagged string.


which can be written in the command line or made by a program. A path of this kind is a valid argument for the STO command. Hence, it is no problem to create a suitable card directory structure on the 49+ itself.

 Details on Ebook and Edocu

Ebook is for reading long flowing texts. It breaks the lines properly to match the screen width like a HTML reader, thus making sidewards scrolling dispensable. Edocu respects the original text format. Suitable for technical documents containing formulas or tables too broad to fit the screen width. Both options interpret the first line of a scanned string file as the title, the rest is divided into pages to be read in minifont. First a page-selector is launched for choosing any available page. By pressing the CHOOSE option or browsing with the +/- key any page can be selected. Also numeric keys may be used for page selection similar as in the flag browser. While paging the text with and , you may always return to the page selector with (backspace), wheras P (SYMB) flashes the current/total page number while reading. While reading with Edocu also and are active for horizontal scrolling whenever your text contains lines with more than 33 characters. For each arrow key its rightshift version does the expected: RS sets the last page, RS the first page, RS goes to the end of a long line in Edocu, RS returns. Reading a many-page text can always be postponed by turning off as usual. You may also add stylings for parts of your text with Style from the EDIT menu, e.g., underline or print in italic or use inverse vĂ­deo. The package contains an example, CrDOCS. It creates the dicrectory DOCS on the card containing the source text of Docfiler,.DOCFILER.S. It should be read by Ebook but you read it also with Edocu to see that the first line after the title is very long and broken in parts by Ebook.

Remark. Ebook and Edocu work with a string of at least two lines located anywhere on the calculator. These options also occur in Headman's command menu.  

Credits. Thanks to Tim Wessman who proposed the creation of a card reader tool in a mail to me.

Wolfgang Rautenberg - -